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Bramley Class

Welcome to Bramley Class - Our Teachers

Mrs Bird and Ms Vincze are delighted to teach the children in Year 1 and Year 2 class in Bramley Class at Speen C of E School.

Mrs Bird teaches every Monday, Tuesday and Mrs Vincze teaches Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

We are supported in the classroom by Mrs Khaira and Mrs Hanson.


Forest School (please wear PE kit to school) Any volunteers always appreciated!


Year 2 and Year 1 spelling test





PE (please wear PE kit to school)

Year 1 reading books coming home


What we are Learning this Week

Spring Term 2

Weekly Overview 24.2.25


Spring Term 1

Weekly Overview  6.1.25

Weekly Overview 13.1.25

Weekly Overview 20.1.25

Weekly Overview 27.1.25

Weekly Overview 3.2.25

Weekly Overview 10.2.25

Knowledge Organisers

  PE - Striking and Fielding

 Science - Changing Materials

Poem of the Week


Bramley Class Key Text

RSHE (relationship, sex and health) curriculum outline

RSHE - a guide for parents and carers leaflet

Meet the Teacher PowerPoint

 Meet the Teacher Bramley Class

Autumn Photo Gallery

Walk to Look at Houses in the Local Area October 2024

African Drumming Workshop September 2024
Forest Schools September 2024

Inspired by the art of Andy Goldsworthy

Spring Photo Gallery

Easter Cooking









We are actors – walking on the moon








Summer Photo Gallery

Didcot Railway Centre
Science - growing seeds


Year 2 Football Tournament 


Forest Schools - Making Fire


This is given out weekly and includes:

Each child in Bramley class will receive the following homework:


Year 1 will be set five spelling words each week. Please support your child in learning how to spell these words.

Year 2 will be set ten spelling words each week which they will need to learn to spell. When we get further into Year 2, the children will then need to choose five of these words and write the words in a full sentence in their spelling books.

Spelling books will be sent home every Tuesday and need to be returned the following Monday for the spelling test.

Spellings the children did not spell correctly in the test will be highlighted in pink so parents know they need to be practiced again. Please see advice on how to learn spellings in the section of the school website.


Every child will be given a piece of maths homework that reinforces what they have learnt that week. This work will be set on Friday in a homework book although it will also be placed on Class Dojo incase a child loses their book or forgets to bring it home. Homework needs to be returned by the following Thursday in order to be marked and new homework set.

Optional Foundation Subject Homework

For families who would like more homework we have set an optional homework grid (please see the attachement). There are eight activities on the grid to choose from and are all fun things that children can do independently or with the support of family.

Children can bring their work into school on a Thursday to share with their class or photograph it and upload it to Class Dojo to share.

Optional Homework Grid Summer Term


Year 1 will be set reading books related to the phonics they are learning. These books will already be familiar to them as they have already read them in school so they can read them with confidence at home. Reading books will be changed on a Thursday so please ensure they are in your child’s book bag.

Year 2 will be set books that follow on from the phonics books. Once the book has been read confidently at home, please return it to be changed. Ideally the book should be read through at least twice. There are no set days for Year 2 to change their books.


Speen School now has access to LetterJoin, an online handwriting program. No formal homework will be set for handwriting but can be used if you would like to reinforce the handwriting lessons in school. Details of the handwriting letters the children have been practicing will be on the weekly update on the class page. Log in details have been sent to parents but please let us know if you need help.